Public Employment Law in San Antonio, TX


Going up against a government entity when you think you’ve been wronged as an employee can be a scary proposition. Fortunately, you don’t have to face it alone. Attorney Mangum of the Law Offices of Glen D. Mangum is an experienced public employment lawyer in San Antonio and South Central Texas. He also serves Bexar County, TX.

He can pull from a deep well of public employment law knowledge to build a strong case on your behalf. Attorney Mangum has experience with city and county civil service proceedings, cases involving the Texas Whistleblower Statute, appeals to the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board, and complaints of discrimination made by federal civil service employees. Contact him right away to find out how he can help you.


I have experience representing employees of the federal government, employees of state, county and municipal governments, and employees of colleges, universities and local school districts, including faculty and administration. 

  • Federal Civil Service Employees
    • I have represented federal civil service employees in administrative grievance processes, in responding to proposed disciplinary actions, in filing and prosecuting EEO complaints, and appealing removal actions to the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board.  I have also appeared before the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. 
  • State, County & Municipal Employees
    • I have represented state and local government employees in grievance, complaint and appeal procedures, as well in cases involving discrimination and/or retaliation.  I also have experience representing city and county employees in civil service proceedings.  In some cases, the Texas Whistleblower Act may be implicated if the employee is being disciplined or otherwise retaliated against for reporting a violation of law by his or her employer.  In other cases, the First Amendment may come into play. 
  • Universities, Colleges & School Districts
    • I also have experience representing employees of universities (both public and private), colleges (both public and private), and school districts (public, private and/or charter schools). 

Attorney Mangum can also help you if you’re a contractor working with a federal entity. Talk to attorney Mangum now about the public employment law issues you’re experiencing in San Antonio, TX.


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What Our Clients Say

From the first meeting with Glen, I felt assured that all potential risks and options were clearly and quickly discussed. More importantly, Glen possesses a business acumen which yields pragmatic and effective approaches to resolving legal issues. His ability to connect well with all levels of political…



What Our Clients Say

From the first meeting with Joyce, my company and I felt assured that all potential risks and options were clearly and quickly discussed. More importantly, Joyce possesses a business acumen which yields pragmatic and effective approaches to resolving legal issues. Her ability to connect well with all levels of political. . .



What Our Clients Say

From the first meeting with Joyce, my company and I felt assured that all potential risks and options were clearly and quickly discussed. More importantly, Joyce possesses a business acumen which yields pragmatic and effective approaches to resolving legal issues. Her ability to connect well with all levels of political. . .

